Scientific research
Armson D, Stringer P, Ennos A R, The effect of tree shade and grass on surface and globe temperatures in an urban area, “Urban Forestry & Urban Greening”, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2012, pp 245-255, Link to pdf
Ennos R, Armson D, How Useful are Urban Trees? The Lessons of the Manchester Research Project, Link to pdf
Ennos R, Quantifying the cooling benefits of urban trees, Research Report – Forestry Commission, UK, 2012 No.017, pp.113-118, Link to pdf
Ennos R, Trees and Climate Change, Link to pdf
Ennos R, Urban Cool, “Physics World”, August 2010 Link to pdf
Hall J M, Handley J F, Ennos A R, The potential of tree planting to climate-proof high density residential areas in Manchester, UK, “Landscape and Urban Planning”, Volume 104, Issues 3–4, 2012, pp 410-417,
Johnston M, Percival Glynn, Trees, People and the Built Environment – Proceedings of the Urban Trees Research Conference, 13-14 April 2011. 10.13140/2.1.2755.4888. Link
London Assembly, Environment Committee, Chainsaw massacre – A review of London’s street trees, May 2007, Link to pdf
Rahman M A, Armson D, Ennos A R, A comparison of the growth and cooling effectiveness of five commonly planted urban tree species, Link to pdf
Rahman M A, Smith J G, Stringer P, Ennos A R, Effect of rooting conditions on the growth and cooling ability of Pyrus calleryana, “Urban Forestry & Urban Greening”, Volume 10, Issue 3, 2011, pp 185-192, Link to pdf
Rahman M A, Franceschi E, Pattnaik N, Moser‑Reischl A, Hartmann C, Paeth H, Pretzsch H, Rötzer T, Pauleit S, Spatial and temporal changes of outdoor thermal stress: influence of urban land cover types, Sci Rep 12, 671 (2022)., Link to pdf
Rahman M A, Ennos A R, What we know and don’t know about the carbon storage and sequestration of urban trees, Link to pdf
Rahman M A, Ennos A R, What we know and don’t know about the surface runoff reduction potential of urban trees, Link to pdf
Rötzer T, Moser-Reischl A, Rahman M, Grote R, Pauleit S, Pretzsch H, Modelling Urban Tree Growth and Ecosystem Services: Review and Perspectives, 10.1007/124_2020_46, Link to pdf
Rötzer T, Moser-Reischl A, Rahman M A, Hartmann C, Paeth H, Pauleit S, Pretzsch H, Urban tree growth and ecosystem services under extreme drought, “Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 308–309”, Link to pdf
Pouteau S, From aesthetics to plant-human ethics, “Plants as open beings”, pp 82-95.
Pouteau S, Providing grounds for agricultural ethics: the wider philosophical significance of plant life integrity, “Climate change and sustainable development”, pp 154-159, Link to pdf
Pouteau S, Beyond ‘‘Second Animals’’: Making Sense of Plant Ethics, “Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics”, 27 (2014): 1-25, Link to pdf
Trees and Design Action Group, Trees in Hard Landscapes – A Guide for Delivery, Link
Trees and Design Action Group, Trees, Planning and Development – A Guide for Delivery Link
In conversation
Artist talks